Comprehensive Family Law

Midland & North Richland Hills Family law: Divorce & Child support

Empowering You Through Divorce: Siler Law Office's Compassionate Approach to Family Law

Navigating the challenging waters of divorce requires not only legal expertise but also a commitment to preserving your dignity throughout the process. At Siler Law Office, situated at the heart of Midland and North Richland Hills, we are staunch advocates for promoting respectful resolutions in divorce cases. Our unwavering belief is that legal representation should uphold your integrity and shield you from undue embarrassment, rather than exacerbating the emotional turbulence. Divorce should not lead to a loss of self-respect, and our legal team is dedicated to guiding you through the proceedings in a manner that safeguards your dignity while pursuing your objectives.

Uncontested vs. Contested Divorces: A Path to Empowerment

Divorces, whether uncontested or contested, embody various degrees of disagreement. An uncontested divorce, while not entirely devoid of discord, signifies a scenario where both parties commit to keeping the case out of court, avoiding the intervention of a judge in critical decisions. Entrusting decisions about your future to a judge who is unfamiliar with the nuances of your situation can lead to life-altering verdicts that may not accurately reflect your needs.

The merits of an uncontested divorce are numerous:

  • Cost-Efficiency and Empowerment: Opting for an uncontested divorce empowers you with control over decisions that address your unique circumstances. This approach avoids the potential adversarial outcomes of a courtroom battle and is significantly more cost-effective compared to a trial.
  • Parenting Time Resolution: Especially crucial when children are involved, an uncontested divorce allows you to determine parenting time. It recognizes the role each parent has played and seeks to establish balanced responsibilities and rights, fostering an amicable co-parenting relationship.
  • Promotion of Positive Relations: Crucially, we believe that uncontested divorces are pivotal in nurturing post-divorce working relationships between ex-spouses. Particularly when children are involved, ongoing contact is inevitable. An uncontested divorce mitigates escalating legal fees and prevents animosity from spilling over into parent-child relationships.

Factors Influencing Child Support Declarations

While Texas adheres to specific child support guidelines, nuances within each family’s situation may necessitate unique applications. Variables that can affect child support calculations include:

  • Number of children
  • Child support obligations for other children not currently under the court’s jurisdiction
  • Mutual agreement between parties to deviate from guideline support
  • Allocation of visitation time

At Siler Law Firm, we recognize the pivotal role child support plays in your children’s lives. We are dedicated to ensuring their well-being by facilitating fair and just support arrangements tailored to your family’s unique dynamics.

Child Support Calculation and Guidelines

Child support is a critical component of divorce proceedings, particularly when children are involved. Understanding how child support is calculated and the guidelines that govern it can alleviate uncertainties during this often complex phase. In Texas, child support is typically determined by calculating a percentage of the noncustodial parent’s net monthly income, which is the amount after certain deductions. The precise percentage varies based on the number of children requiring support, ensuring a tailored approach to meet the financial needs of each family.

The child support percentages are as follows:

  • One child – 20%
    Two children – 25%
    Three children – 30%
    Four children – 35%
    Five children – 40%
    Six children or more – At least the same as the amount for five children
  • For households with six or more children, the percentage remains at least the same as that for five children. This structured approach acknowledges the varying demands associated with raising different numbers of children and strives to ensure that child support is commensurate with the family’s circumstances.

It’s important to note that child support responsibilities may cease under specific circumstances, unless otherwise stipulated in a written agreement. Such situations include the child’s marriage, attainment of legal adulthood, removal of disabilities, enlistment in the armed forces, or an order terminating the parent-child relationship due to genetic testing results. These factors underscore the dynamic nature of child support obligations and highlight the necessity of legally defined agreements to guide this aspect of post-divorce life.

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Case

Recognizing that one size does not fit all, our personalized strategies cater to your goals and the specifics of your divorce circumstances. Our Texas attorneys excel in various divorce methodologies, including:

  1. Collaboration: Negotiating directly with your spouse to achieve a fair settlement without litigation.

  2. Mediation: Facilitating discussions through a neutral third party to achieve mutually agreeable resolutions.

  3. Litigation: In complex scenarios, litigation might be the route to a just resolution. Our seasoned trial lawyers advocate vigorously on your behalf in court.

  4. Our dedication to your case extends beyond legal competence, encompassing education and empowerment to make optimal choices. Lead attorney [Attorney Name], with over two decades of legal experience, specializes in matching clients with fitting family law solutions. With over 12 years of experience in this realm, [Attorney Name] is committed to supporting you through every phase of the divorce journey.

Equitable Division of Community Property in Texas

In the realm of divorce proceedings, understanding the intricacies of property division is paramount, particularly within the context of Texas law. As a community property state, Texas mandates that spouses share community property equally. However, this doctrine does not imply an automatic and absolute 50-50 split of jointly owned assets. Rather, it sets the stage for a nuanced evaluation of property division that aligns with the principles of fairness and justice. The Texas Family Code underscores the significance of a “right and just” division of community property, transcending a simplistic division based solely on equal ownership. This legal framework recognizes the complexities that arise when dividing assets acquired during the course of a marriage and places emphasis on a comprehensive assessment of various factors.

The process of equitable property division involves a judicious consideration of multiple elements, aiming to ensure a result that reflects the unique circumstances of each case. Factors such as the financial stability of each spouse, their respective contributions to the marriage, potential disparities in earning capacity, and the health of the parties involved, all play a crucial role in determining what constitutes a fair division. Moreover, the presence of fault or misconduct leading to the dissolution of the marriage can also influence the division of property.

Furthermore, the well-being of any children involved can be a pivotal factor. If custody of the children is granted to one parent, the court may allocate a larger portion of the property to that parent in order to facilitate their ability to provide for the children’s needs. In essence, the “right and just” principle accounts for the myriad complexities inherent in divorce cases, acknowledging that a purely equal division may not accurately reflect the practicalities of post-divorce life.

Navigating Child Support: FAQ and Common Questions Asked

In the state of Texas, parents are legally obliged to provide financial and medical support for their children, even in the wake of separation. Following the initiation of a divorce or child custody case, child support orders are drafted and endorsed by a judge, rendering the child support obligation enforceable. An adept family or child support lawyer can provide clarity on the likely financial obligations of either party for the benefit of the child.

Establishing paternity is often the initial step in determining an appropriate child support payment. Married couples enjoy a presumption of paternity, which can be rebutted, whereas unmarried couples often require DNA testing to ascertain biological parentage.

To begin the divorce process in Texas, you need to file a petition for divorce with the district clerk in the county where you or your spouse have resided for at least 90 days. If you’re uncertain about the legal procedures, a family law attorney can file the petition on your behalf.


A: A divorce petition is the foundational document that sets the divorce process in motion. It includes essential information such as the names and addresses of both spouses, the date of marriage, and the grounds for divorce. The act of filing the divorce petition is commonly referred to as “filing for divorce.”


A: In a Texas divorce case, the petitioner is the spouse who initiates the divorce by filing the petition. The respondent is the spouse who receives the divorce papers and must respond within 20 days. The petitioner goes first in family court proceedings, which can set the tone for the case.


A: Although Texas is a no-fault divorce state, it recognizes several grounds for divorce, including insupportability, cruelty, adultery, felony conviction, abandonment, living apart, and confinement to a mental hospital.


Contact Siler Law Office

Our commitment to your case extends far beyond legal expertise. It is about providing empathetic guidance throughout a labyrinthine journey. To embark on a path to recovery, justice, and rightful compensation, reach out to Siler Law Office at 817-520-6709.

Our Locations

Midland, TX

705 W. Wadley Ave, Suite 210-A, Midland, Texas 79705

North Richland, TX

5755 Rufe Snow Dr, Suite 140, North Richland Hills, TX 76180